8 1/2” x 8 1/2” x 3”
epoxy resin, resin colorant, 1 ml syringes, dummy pigeon eggs, polyurethane varnish
A sculptural recreation of a candid photograph taken in the Downtown Eastside (where the artist used to live after transitioning out of homelessness), of a pigeon’s nest made of discarded hypodermic needles. The photo was taken by superintendent Michelle Davey in May 2017. While the image is a poignant reminder of the state of the Downtown Eastside is in–this is, afterall, how pigeons are choosing to roost, but living people are dwelling in these quarters–the image of the nest is reappropriated to be a potential indicator of the idea of life’s ability to flourish in even the most heart-rending spaces, and the activist-led grassroots movement for cultural instauration, fuelled by the urge to improve the wellbeing of the DTES’ residents, gives birth to a promise for cultural regeneration in spite of the inhumanity of these physical conditions.