15 1/2” x 14” x 8”
polyurethane foam, epoxy resin, styrofoam, meth pipes, 1 mL syringes, acrylic paint, clay, cardboard,
matte paper, inkjet ink, water-based sealant
Cloud tome for lost friends (the wheel turns) is a sculpture containing pages of a text I have written by hand that are frozen in place underneath a hard epoxy gloss. The text is a stream of consciousness confessional writing, a meta investigation into the critical theory, personal history and emotional drive for the production of a social practice organization dedicated to the friends I met when I was homeless who I’ve lost to substance use. A wheel formed by drug paraphernalia on the front of the sculpture references the Wheel of Time or kalachakra found in (among others) schools of Vedic theology. Meditating on the wheel is my attempt as an esotericist to grapple with the loss of loved ones by confronting a force that is always turning, and taking, infinitely dragging into it’s undertow, while simultaneously moving us into a new eon, a new social reality.